September update

The past six weeks have been long and stressful but I’m learning, what isn’t long and stressful?

I returned to work and Emmy started daycare. She is thriving with all of her new friends but that isn’t surprising. Emmy is the baby I pictured when I dreamed about what uncomplicated pregnancies produce. Happy, smiley, easy going. She is a good eater and a good sleeper. She is the least stressful thing in my life right now.

Work is work. They asked me to give back one of my work from home days so I am commuting into the city four days a week now. Not my ideal plan especially returning from maternity leave with two munchkins now at home. My commute is almost two hours door to door each way. It’s a lot of time spent on a train that could be spent watching my babies grow up. My work from home days allowed me to be more present and active in their lives. I could meet their teachers, drop them at school, make them breakfast… And yet still start working on time. Losing one day of that has been really hard. Also, Metro North was broken for two weeks which turned my two hour commute into three-ugh. Luckily that is back to normal (for now!).

Ben started kindergarten and has had a very hard transition. It still is day to day with how he behaves. We have actively fought to get him some support from the school and were successful in getting him back on an IEP. ( he lost his IEP at the end of last year because he tested out of the services at the time. We weren’t happy about it but didn’t pursue fighting it. Unfortunately, what we predicted then is now happening. Luckily his current team reacted quickly and he is again getting the services he needs). We still have a huge learning curve as to how to help him be successful ( from a behavior standpoint) in the classroom but we will get there.

My grandmother is very sick. After being mostly healthy during her 88 years, she was diagnosed with leukemia. She tried a brief round of chemotherapy but it really was just too much for her. We are now trying to make her as comfortable as possible and spend as much time with her as we can. Emmy and Ben are always a bright spot when visiting her so we try to see her as often as possible. They are both lucky that they have a set of great grandparents that were able to be so involved in both of their lives.

I’m about to embark on a month long Paleo challenge with my gym and I better lose the rest of this baby weight! According to testing at the gym, over the past six weeks I lost 12 lbs of fat and gained 10 lbs of muscle. Which in theory that is fantastic, the net difference on my low tech scale is 2lbs down and that just isn’t cutting it! We shall see where I am in the next month…

So, this turned into a downer of an update but good news is coming soon. I promise 😉